LS Electric LSLV0075S100-2 230Vac 3 Phase VFD 10hp 7.5kw
Strong Performance |
Powerful sensorless control Starting torque of 200%/0.5Hz is produced and provides robust power in the low speed region. Powerful sensorless control Standstill auto-tuning is equipped to find motor constant without rotation under conditions where the system is installed or motor cannot rotate.> 100~240V in one coil(up to 220kW,400A) Powerful sensorless control Inverter capable fo quick reliable smooth restarts into bi-directional rotating loads. |
Space efficient Design
Side by Side installation
Minimized distance between products enables control panel size reduction when installing multiple AC Drive.
Smaller Size Main parts are optimally arranged inside through the use of thermal radiation analysis and 3-dimensional design to reduce the dimensions by up to 60%(volume based) compared to the previous product(iG5A) |
Standard Compliance
Built-in DC reactor - Effective in improving power factor and decreasing THD. ※ 3-phase 400V 30~75kW Built-in EMC filter - Meets the electrical noise reduction regulation. Related standards : 2nd Environment / Category C3 (Class A) CE standard is certified ※ C2 : 1-phase 200V 0.4~2.2kW ※ C3 : 3-phase 400V 0.4~75kW Global compliance (UL, CE) - Global standard compliance ※ UL, CE, Gost, C-tick and cUL Dual rating operation - It is designed to choose between heavy and normal duty operation. Overload capacity ※ Heavy duty operation : 150% of rated current, 60 seconds ※ Normal duty operation : 120% of rated current, 60 seconds Various field networks - Able to deal with a variety of field networks Easy maintenance and mounting. Various field bus options - Profibus, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, CANopen Easy to install and use |
Safety Function
Built-in Safety Torque Off(STO) The Safety input function meets EN ISO 13849-1 PLd and EN 61508 SIL2 (En 60204-1, stop category 0). This feature is equipped and enables you to meet current safety standards.
Suitable for Users
Simple cooling fan replacement |
Smart copier |
Replaceable fan without complete disassembly. | 1. Smart copier allows users to download & upload the parameters from/to S100 without AC input power. 2. Customized main firmware is able to be downloaded to S100 using Smart copier. 3. Firmware of main control and I/O saved in Smart copier can be downloaded to S100 |
Multi-keypad function |
Conduit option |
- Single LCD keypad can be used to set up the parameters of a RS485 connected drives. - LCD keypad (same as iS7 model) is used to easily set up the parameters. Parameters can be copied to other drives. - Multi language support will be available. |
- S100 meets UL type 1 with this option. | |
Flange option |
S100 allows its heatsink to be installed outside of panel for better cooling system with this option |